- former employees

Lionel Cordesses
Intelligent Systems & Communication Domain Director

Grégory Flandin
DEEL Program

Guillaume Gaudron
CEO IRT Saint Exupery Canada

Ana Gonzalez
DEEL Project Manager

Franck Mamalet
AI Technical Leader

David Vigouroux
Data Scientist

David Bertoin
Data Scientist
David Bertoin is a Phd candidate at IRT Saint-Exupery in partnership with ISAE supaero.
His research topics are focused on domain adaptation and object-centric representations in reinforcement learning.

Claire Pagetti

Mathieu Serrurier

Jean-Michel Loubes
Jean-Michel Loubes is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Toulouse Mathematics Institute and Chair holder of the « Fair and Robust Learning » at the Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research (ANITI).

Sylvaine Picard

Edouard Pauwels

François Malgouyres
Francois Malgouyres is full professor at University Paul Sabatier and researcher at IRT. His research focusses on the mathematical theory of deep learning and image processing.

Quentin Vincenot
Data Scientist
Quentin Vincenot is a Data Scientist at Thales Alenia Space. Passionate about data, he has worked on multiple projects dealing with different parts of the data pipeline, going from BigData technologies, to DataVisualisation techniques, and Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Adrien Gauffriau
Data Scientist & Critical Avionics Engineer
Adrien Gauffriau is a Data Scientist and Critical Avionics Engineer at Airbus EYY. He is in charge of preparing the introduction of AI algorithms in critical avionics computer.

Tong Chen
Intern – Robustness of neural network

Joachim Bona-Pelissier
Intern – Explainability of neural network

Bertrand Cayssiols

Damien Grasset

Frédéric Boisnard

Jayant Sen-Gupta

Hervé Delseny

Mickaël Capelle
Data Scientist

Christophe Gabreau

Agustin Martin Picard
Data Scientist
Agustin Martin Picard is a Data scientist at SCALIAN and member of the DEEL core team. Currently working on the Explainability and Fairness industrial challenges.

Kevin Delmas

Mathieu Damour

Thibaut Boissin

Jean-Marc Gabriel

Hugues Bonnin

Sébastien Gerchinovitz
Sébastien Gerchinovitz is a Research scientist at DEEL and associate researcher at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse. Member of the Game Theory and Artificial Intelligence chair within the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI). Currently on leave from Université Paul Sabatier. Research topics: statistical learning, online learning, deep learning, applications to safety-critical systems.

Camille Chapdelaine
Research engineer
Resarch interests : out-of-distribution detection, uncertainty quantification, robustness.

Ludovic Ponsolle

Jean-Brice Ginestet

Pablo Mirales

Adrien Elfassi
Data Scientist
Adrien is a Data Scientist at AIRBUS DEFENCE & SPACE, his recherch focus on robustness via detection and adaptation to unknown data : detecting unknown observation & being able to process these new observations to update and increase robustness

Thomas Soumarmon
Data Scientist
Thomas Soumarmon is Data scientist at CONTINENTAL and member of the DEEL core team. Exploring out of distribution detection methods and taking part in the AI certification mission.

Mélanie Ducoffe

Lucian Alecu

Eric Jenn

Raphaël Puget

Tapopriya Majumdar

Cyril Cappi

Eduardo Dadalto

Pedro De Aguiar Coelho

Thomas Fel

Florence De Grancey

Patrick Saint-Louis
Senior Data Scientist
Patrick St-Louis is a data scientist specialized in Operations Research algorithms and their industrialization. His current mandate consists in helping Montreal’s DEEL team to improve robustness and explainability of their Reinforcement Learning solutions

Igor Calderan

Justin Plakoo

Vincent Mussot

Vuong Xuan

Lucas Hervier

Alexandre Albore
Researcher – Certification Mission
Alexandre Albore is Research Scientist at IRT Saint-Exupery, where he works on formal methods, and on the certification challenges raised by integrating machine learning techniques in safety-critical systems. His research focuses on AI and its applications in decision-making for autonomous systems.

Pierre Blanc-Paques

Cédric Vincent-Cuaz

Petr Zamolodtchikov

Bernard Beaudouin

Romain Garsuault

Carine Therond

Mouna Gastli

Abdelmouaiz Tebjou

Alexandre Langlade

Nathan Bibollet Ruche

Arnaud Champetier

Yannick Prudent

Edis Facchin

Jean-Luc Adam

Vincent Coyette

Willy Lao

Brendan Guillouet

Jérémy Pirard

Rémi Verdier

Marc Spigai

El Medhi Achour

Louis Bethune

Etienne Montbrun

Mohammad Fayyaz Ali

Paul Novello

Léo Dana

Axelle Rondepierre

Antonin Poche

David Sancha Perez

Douae Ahmadoun

Corentin Friedrich

Estèle Glize

Ziad Kheil

Matthieu Le Goff

Nawal Ould Amer

Maxime Carrere

Antoine Curillon

Léo Andeol

Nassima Benammar

Adelin Constans

Emma Grangirard

Mehdi Zouitine

Fanny Jourdan
ANITI PhD student attached to IRIT
Thesis topic: Models of bias, fairness and robustness in language and conversation.