3rd International forum : MobiliT.AI
IVADO,IRT Saint Exupéry, the IID, CRIAQ et ANITI invite you to the 3rd edition du forum MobiliT.AI which will be presented in Quebec City (Canada), on May 17, 18 and 19, 2022.
MobiliT.AI is an international event that brings together a community of experts in artificial intelligence (AI) for critical systems in the field of transport and mobility (aeronautics, automotive, rail, space, drones, and more).
This community is made up of researchers from academia or industry, actors linked to companies in the technological sector or the world of transport, but also experts in operational safety and engineering of critical on-board systems.
In 2022, in Quebec City, the 3rd edition of the forum will bring together some thirty speakers on various subjects, ranging from the challenges of certification of AI, to its implementation in embedded systems or to the challenges related to its explainability.
The first thematic mission of DEEL project has been launched in April 2019 at the IRT Saint Exupéry. It has been named AI CERTIFICATION. This Working Group addresses the certification of systems embedding machine learning (ML) algorithms. The term “Certification” is used in a broad sense with or without authority, depending on the domain.
The group is composed of twenty-five specialists in the fields of certification, dependability, Artificial Intelligence, and more generally, embedded systems development. Industrial members represent the domains of aeronautics, railway, and automotive.
The goal is twofold: Point out the major challenges or, possibly, blocking points that could prevent the adoption of ML techniques in the domains, and propose new approaches to address these challenges.
Workshops are held every month with the DEEL Project partners.
READ MORELes Carrefours DEEL France Québec
The Carrefour DEEL are virtual seminars, offered monthly for partners and collaborators of the project, and presented jointly by the teams of the France and Quebec components of the initiative.
These meetings, organized by the IRT Saint Exupéry and IID of Université Laval, allow the DEEL research teams to present research work, orientations and results of both the Quebec and France components of the project.
These are valuable opportunities for networking and discussion, which bring together the project stakeholders on a regular basis from a transatlantic perspective.